March 27, 2023 3 min read

It's been a minute, so here's the latest update on David and I! 

David to me: "I can't wait until we are living together all the time and I know I get to come home to you every night."

WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! We've been looking for a few months for a house in the right area for our kids, and with enough bedrooms(hello brady bunch family, haha!)

We finally found the PERFECT house and we start moving in next month!! We'll be slowly moving in, getting a few things updated and repaired first, and then be fully in before the wedding in June 2! Our kids will finish the school year where they are at, and they are SO EXCITED to live together! 

David and I spent 2 days shopping for new furniture for the house, and after we were done I looked at him and said, "We didn't even fight!" He laughed and said, "Did you think we would?" Yes, yes I did in fact we might because that was what my last marriage was like. My ex was difficult and everything we did together was difficult and opinionated and we couldn't agree very often on anything. Life is SO MUCH EASIER and ENJOYABLE with David!

It really couldn't get more picture perfect than this. Between how well David and I mesh, and the great relationship we have with each other and the good relationship our kids have with each other, and this house we found, I don't know how I got so lucky! 

Wedding plans are pretty much solidified, we are so excited to get married on the beach in Hawaii with our kids! My dress is getting altered on Wednesday, our wedding planner has our officiant, beach license, location, flower arrangements, video/photographer and such all planned out! 

I was on a long flight over the weekend and decided to type out my wedding vows. Man was I choking back tears! We plan on saying vows to each other, as well as to our own kids and to each others kids. We'll be lucky if we can get through that without too many tears! 

It's amazing how different and beautiful my life feels compared to three years ago. I was ok on my own, just me and my boys, when I  stepped out of my current life at the time to venture into a new one. I've lived a very full life, and love the person I've become. 

I understand myself better, I know who I am and what my core beliefs and values are. I know what I need and want in life, and I absolutely LOVE this stage of my life! I wouldn't trade these wrinkles or slower metabolism to go back to my younger years EVER! 

And now I have David. My best friend, safe place, the person who has shown me more love than I have ever known and allowed me to be my most vulnerable. 

This kind of love is beautiful. And I tear up everytime I think about how I never even knew this existed. I spent most of my life not even knowing what it felt like to be truly loved.

My boys are both going to walk me down to the beach and give me away to my forever partner on June 2, and it's even better knowing how much they love him too and are happy to have him in our life. 

I'm just gonna sit here and cry for a minute, so if you need me, no you don't, haha! 

Jk- I'm always here if you need me! But I will probably be crying...the happiest of tears of course. 

Don't forget to try and meet up with me and my gal pals April 14th in Las Vegas if you can! PM me if you plan on being there and I'll send you the deets! 


The Boutique Bride to be, and soon to be "The Boutique Wifey" (say what?!?"